
In Vitro Protein Digestibility and Physical Properties of Instant Teh Talua Dried by Spray Dryer

In Vitro Protein Digestibility and Physical Properties of Instant   Teh Talua Dried by Spray Dryer   Rina Yenrina#, Deivy Andhika Permata#, Dini Rasjmida* and Rahmal Tayandi # #Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University, Padang, 25163, Indonesia   E-mail:  * Department of Nutrition Poltekkes Kemenkes RI, Padang, 25146, Indonesia  E-mail:  Abstract— This study aims to learn the effect of the addition of different concentrations of tea on protein digestibility and physical  properties of the  product. This study has been completed from February to July 2014. This study begins with the process of making  instant teh talua, then continue with product analysis. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and  3 replications. Data were analyzed statistically by F test and if significantly different, followed by Duncan's test New Multiple Range  Test (DNMRT) at 5% level. The treatment in thi

Sterilisasi UHT

Artikel  oleh : Rahmal Tayandi SUSU UHT 1.      Pendahuluan Susu adalah cairan bergizi berwarna putih yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar susu mamalia betina . Susu adalah sumber gizi utama bagi bayi sebelum mereka dapat mencerna makanan padat. Susu binatang (biasanya sapi ) juga diolah menjadi berbagai produk seperti mentega , yogurt , es krim , keju , susu kental manis , susu bubuk dan lain-lainnya untuk konsumsi manusia. Dewasa ini, susu memiliki banyak fungsi dan manfaat. Untuk umur produktif, susu membantu pertumbuhan mereka. Sementara itu, untuk orang lanjut usia, susu membantu menopang tulang agar tidak keropos Susu mengandung banyak vitamin dan protein . Oleh karena itu, setiap orang dianjurkan minum susu. Sekarang banyak susu yang dikemas dalam bentuk yang unik. Tujuan dari ini agar orang tertarik untuk membeli dan minum susu. Ada juga susu yang berbentuk fermentasi. 2.    Susu UHT       M enurut Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia (BPOM-RI)

A study on parameters of potential cocoa butter analogue synthesis from camel hump by lipase-catalysed interesterification in supercritical CO2 using response surface methodology

Analytical Methods A study on parameters of potential cocoa butter analogue synthesis from camel hump by lipase-catalysed interesterification in supercritical CO 2 using response surface methodology Hajar Shekarchizadeh, Mahdi Kadivar ⇑ Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran a b s t r a c t A potential cocoa butter analogue was prepared from camel hump fat and tristearin by enzymatic interesterification in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC–CO 2 ) using immobilised Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (Lipozyme TL IM) as a biocatalyst. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to investigate the effects of pressure, temperature, tristearin/camel hump fat ratio, water content, and incubation time on TAG distribution of cocoa butter analogue. The process conditions were optimised by conducting experiments at five different levels. A second order polynomial response surface equation was d

Reaksi Mailard

Reaksi Maillard Artikel Rahmal Tayandi Oke kali ini saya akan membahas sedikit banyak tentang suatu reaksi yang mungkin menjadi dilemma bagi kita sebagai anak teknologi pangan, yang disebut sebagai reaksi browning atau pencoklatan akibat reaksi Maillard  pada beberapa produk pangan.... Mungkin  masih bertanya ya kok dilemma..??yok kita cba bhas... Reaksi Maillard ditemukan oleh pakar biokimia Perancis Louiss Camille Maillard . Reaksi ini merupakan reaksi  kimia yang terjadi antara asam amino dan gula tereduksi, biasanya pada suhu yang tinggi . Dimana gugus karbonil dari glukosa bereaksi dengan gugus nukleofilik grup amino dari protein yang menghasilkan warna dan aroma yang khas; proses ini berlangsung dalam suasana basa . Mekanisme terjadiya reaksi ini sangat kompleks, gula amin akan mengalami denaturasi, siklisasi, fargmentasi, dan polimerisasi sehingga terbentuk kompleks pigmen yang disebut melanoidin. Glukosa dapat mengalami reaksi Maillard, sedangkan Suk

A strategy for high-speed countercurrent chromatography purification of specific antioxidants from natural products based on on-line HPLC method with radical scavenging assay

A strategy for high-speed countercurrent chromatography purification of specific antioxidants from natural products based on on-line HPLC method with radical scavenging assay Koichi Inoue a , b , ⇑ , Erika Baba a , Tomoaki Hino a , c , Hisao Oka a , c a Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Kinjo Gakuin University, 2-1723 Omori, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya 463-8521, Japan b Laboratory of Analytical and Bio-Analytical Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka, Japan c Graduate School of Human Ecology, Human Ecology Major, Kinjo Gakuin University, Japan a b s t r a c t We have proposed a novel and first strategy of high-speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC) purification for the efficient and effective discovery of antioxidant from natural product based on on-line HPLC method with radical scavenging assay. To achieve a strategy for HSCCC purification, the antioxidants in materials are identified by on-line HPLC wi

State of art of the application of membrane technology to vegetable oils A review

State of art of the application of membrane technology to vegetable oils: A review Cesar de Morais Coutinho a, * , Ming Chih Chiu a , Rodrigo Correa Basso a , Ana Paula Badan Ribeiro a , Lireny Aparecida Guaraldo Gonçalves a , Luiz Antonio Viotto b a State University of Campinas, Department of Food Technology, Laboratory of Fats and Oils (LOG), Caixa Postal 6091, CEP 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil b State University of Campinas, Department of Food Engineering, Laboratory of Process Engineering (LEP), Campinas, SP, Brazil a b s t r a c t The purpose of this review has as objective to present the applications and the recent development of  membrane technology in the vegetable oil processing. It approaches fundamentals aspects in the processes of separation by membranes as well as present the related works in the degumming, dewaxing, deacidification, solvent recovery, pigment removal, concentration of minor components and separation of emulsions. Its shows that oils proces

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Effects of cooking on the profile and micellarization of 9-cis-, 13-cisand all-trans-b-carotene in green vegetables Laurie O’Sullivan, Karen Galvin, S. Aisling Aherne, Nora M. O’Brien * Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland A B S T R A C T Few studies have looked at the isomeric profile and micellarization of b-carotene (BC) isomers in green vegetables. Therefore, the aims of the present study were, first, to assess the isomeric profile of BC isomers in raw and cooked vegetables namely broccoli, kale, spinach and Savoy cabbage and, second, to examine the impact of boiling on the BC isomeric profile of the vegetables, their respective micelle fractions and on efficiency of micellarization. All vegetables were subjected to an in vitro digestion procedure. All-trans-, 9-cis- and 13-cis-BC were present in the four vegetables tested. BC isomerization occurred following the cooking of spinach and, to a lesser extent, Savoy cabbage.